Monday 23 September 2013

School bullies.

When I started this blog I fully expected that they would start picking on me like the bullies that they are. The first port of call for the vast majority is of course Facebook as that requires no physical or mental effort to look me up and start with the mindless abuse. I have broad shoulders so that does not really concern me. It is well known that the saboteurs will use violence and vandalism when faced with people who think differently to them. I have no problem with that either. The problems start when they target children, any right minded person should find that intolerable.

You will see below two screen captures from Facebook, these are genuine unaltered images. They were taken from the Stop The Cull and were posted by a young man called Kaleb Phillips. The photograph is of my young granddaughter on her first fox lamping night and as you can see she enjoyed it immensely. She has been raised to understand the country ways and understands that sometimes animals must be killed. The fox she is holding was killing pheasants and paid the price for his actions.

I must say that I did chortle at the comments made by the antis. Once again they show their bigotry in all of its glory. My granddaughter is a thoroughly charming girl with no homicidal tendencies whatsoever, no matter what Kaleb Phillips or Karen Wagstaff have to say about her, or me for that matter.

I would post a picture of Kaleb here but my sources tell me he is only fifteen years of age, Karen on the other hand is fifty and should know better at her age. I have spared her companions from being associated with a woman who can cast aspersions on the character of a twelve year old girl.

Meet Karen.....


  1. Obviously she's not all there and should be monitored when on public forums or selecting her outfits.

  2. Looks like she lives on Macdonalds (or at Macdonalds). In that outfit a definite case of mad cow disease

  3. I could not possibly comment on her diet, or lack of one.
