Sunday 6 October 2013

The curious case of the stabbed dog.

Just like all good detective stories the net is closing on the owners of the dog. The clues are there for all of us to see if we look at the evidence to hand.

The alleged incident of the stabbed dog occurred at Escott Farm, Rodhuish, Minehead, TA24 6QY

The vet, Locke and Preston is situated at 9, The Strand, Bude, Cornwall, EX23 8QU. 

This is a seventy mile or two hour drive from Escott farm so the first question is would you drive for two hours with an animal that had been stabbed or would you seek immediate attention at one of the vets in Minehead which is 10 miles from the farm? I know what I would do.

The next clue is the postcode on the receipt EX23 9DF this is quite obviously not the postcode for the vet as that is the one above. A quick search shows it to be the village of Stratton which is just two miles away from the vet. It is not a huge leap to deduce that the owner of the dog lives in that very same village. No Poirot needed for that one.

Now we shall examine the receipt and treatment further.

Clavaseptin is an antibiotic used primarily in dogs for dental infections.

Metacam is used to treat arithritis, and to relieve pain in musculo-disorders.
The owner of the animal claimed that the vet told them to bring the dog in the following day to be stitched up. My gun dog needs stitches quite frequently, as you can imagine, these are always done as soon as I take him into the vets.

To be continued.....

Saturday 5 October 2013

Stabbed dogs and shady saboteurs.

Where do we start with this tale of lies, manipulation and greed?

Ziggy the dog hit internet fame after the owners claimed that the animal had been stabbed twice by a supporter of the badger cull.. Within hours the outpouring of hatred had spread across the saboteur camp and moments passed before a begging account was opened to pay for the poor animals vet bills.

There is more that meets the eye though. Not a single shred of evidence exists to support the claim that the dog was stabbed by anyone, let alone a cull supporter. A farm was mentioned by name in the press release style post that was copied and pasted in many of the saboteur facebook pages. This recklessly endangers the owner of the farm who is totally innocent of any wrongdoing. The owners claim to have a crime number from the police but no one has actually seen it.

The owner posted a copy of a vet bill to bolster her begging campaign.As you can see the phone number for the vet is clearly visible and although the date of the invoice is covered up the name of the dog is also visible.

The animal appeared in a post on Facebook, supposedly on the way to the vet for treatment for his stab wounds. Now I will be the first to admit that I am not a vet but I do have eyes and this is not a dog that has been stabbed.

Here is the picture after the visit to the vet.

This is a cute picture of a dog with a small bandage on its paw but no sign, once again of the laceration to the inside of the rear leg where the femoral artery runs. How strange is that?

According to Danny, one of the dogs owners Ziggy has been back to the vet and has made sure that every one knows this, after all her readers have stumped up pound notes to pay for these bills so they need to see that money is being spent.

The more I see about Ziggy the more suspicious I get and so should the people who donated their hard earned money.

To be continued.....