Sunday 6 October 2013

The curious case of the stabbed dog.

Just like all good detective stories the net is closing on the owners of the dog. The clues are there for all of us to see if we look at the evidence to hand.

The alleged incident of the stabbed dog occurred at Escott Farm, Rodhuish, Minehead, TA24 6QY

The vet, Locke and Preston is situated at 9, The Strand, Bude, Cornwall, EX23 8QU. 

This is a seventy mile or two hour drive from Escott farm so the first question is would you drive for two hours with an animal that had been stabbed or would you seek immediate attention at one of the vets in Minehead which is 10 miles from the farm? I know what I would do.

The next clue is the postcode on the receipt EX23 9DF this is quite obviously not the postcode for the vet as that is the one above. A quick search shows it to be the village of Stratton which is just two miles away from the vet. It is not a huge leap to deduce that the owner of the dog lives in that very same village. No Poirot needed for that one.

Now we shall examine the receipt and treatment further.

Clavaseptin is an antibiotic used primarily in dogs for dental infections.

Metacam is used to treat arithritis, and to relieve pain in musculo-disorders.
The owner of the animal claimed that the vet told them to bring the dog in the following day to be stitched up. My gun dog needs stitches quite frequently, as you can imagine, these are always done as soon as I take him into the vets.

To be continued.....

Saturday 5 October 2013

Stabbed dogs and shady saboteurs.

Where do we start with this tale of lies, manipulation and greed?

Ziggy the dog hit internet fame after the owners claimed that the animal had been stabbed twice by a supporter of the badger cull.. Within hours the outpouring of hatred had spread across the saboteur camp and moments passed before a begging account was opened to pay for the poor animals vet bills.

There is more that meets the eye though. Not a single shred of evidence exists to support the claim that the dog was stabbed by anyone, let alone a cull supporter. A farm was mentioned by name in the press release style post that was copied and pasted in many of the saboteur facebook pages. This recklessly endangers the owner of the farm who is totally innocent of any wrongdoing. The owners claim to have a crime number from the police but no one has actually seen it.

The owner posted a copy of a vet bill to bolster her begging campaign.As you can see the phone number for the vet is clearly visible and although the date of the invoice is covered up the name of the dog is also visible.

The animal appeared in a post on Facebook, supposedly on the way to the vet for treatment for his stab wounds. Now I will be the first to admit that I am not a vet but I do have eyes and this is not a dog that has been stabbed.

Here is the picture after the visit to the vet.

This is a cute picture of a dog with a small bandage on its paw but no sign, once again of the laceration to the inside of the rear leg where the femoral artery runs. How strange is that?

According to Danny, one of the dogs owners Ziggy has been back to the vet and has made sure that every one knows this, after all her readers have stumped up pound notes to pay for these bills so they need to see that money is being spent.

The more I see about Ziggy the more suspicious I get and so should the people who donated their hard earned money.

To be continued.....

Friday 27 September 2013

ALF Gary Simpson

I know I wasn't going to single out saboteurs unless they were high up in the food chain, so to speak but occasionally it needs to be done. Especially when they insist on being complete halfwits, then they are worth featuring purely for comedic relief. Anti hunting should never be dull after all we eat venison, the king of meats, our entertainment should be of similar standing.

Gary Simpson is a complete gift from God when it comes to the ridicule stakes and we thank God for his gifts, wherever we may find them. In this case God chose Facbook once again as He often does.

Gary is a man of many talents he is an ex Para if we believe the photographs on the internet. I would be more convinced if they were not taken at a distance or blurred but why should we disbelieve anything we see on the world wide web? It is all true, right?

Exhibit a: One blurred Para.

At some point after serving in one of the finest regiments in HM forces, as long as you don't count 3 Para mortar platoon some things are best left alone, seriously left alone, Gary found his inner peace and took up the animal rights cause. For an ex Para only the elite ALF unit of the saboteurs would be acceptable. It would be his moment on the balcony a chance for glory and ALF medals.

As an ex para his killing skills will have been honed like a Fairbairn Sykes fighting knife and his knowledge of firearms similarly keen. All ex Paras are of course skilled snipers and have a sound working knowledge of weapons systems, the thousand yard stare of the ex sniper is something to behold and strikes fear into all who look into that steely gaze.

Gary must be one of these legendary marksmen, famous for "slotting" so many Argies when they invaded our rock back in the eighties. To this day his skills will still hold him in good stead when the hordes of extremely well armed yet peaceful marksmen arrive to cull Billy Badger. His Facebook confirms that this is indeed the case. Unfortunately since the days of being in the Paras his SLR has shrunk in the wash and is now reduced to a sub 12 foot pound air rifle with a range of forty yards on a good day with a prevailing wind. He still remembers his drills though and can be seen keeping his finger outside of the trigger guard until he is on target. The SLR is now an ALF

When Gary is not out killing hunters he loves barreling around the Kent countryside in his bright red Ferrari. After all the Italian car manufacturer is well known for its eco credentials, not a single cow was harmed in the making of the plush leather seats. While saving the planet in his little sporty number what better way to relax than to the strains of Adam Ant, that well known song smith from the. Pimms advertisement Gary wishes he was Adam, in fact he really is on the weekends.

In his quest to relive the golden era of combat Gary also partakes in kickboxing just like that well know star of the eighties Jean Claude Van Dammne  and as Gary says " the rights for animal abusers attention, the left is to rid the world of them" whoever said cliches were a dying art form clearly never verbally sparred with him.

Gary drives around looking for evil hunters to kick or injure with his air rifle not in his bright red penis extension like the eighties sex symbol and all round good guy Tom Selleck but in a 4x4 like all good ALF members do.

When I look at people like Gary I wonder, are they real of just a product of their own egos, the internet is awash with false personas. People who have seen so many films and television shows that they find it impossible to separate their own existence from the celluloid dreams that got them through adolescence.

Of course there are also plenty of walts in the world too.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Animal Liberation Front

I could go into the long and infamous history of this terrorist organisation but that would be giving credence to their contemptible exploits in the name of protecting animals. They have been responsible for campaigns against normal hardworking everyday people that have caused untold hurt to those on the receiving end. They are not courageous heroes fighting the establishment in the name of animal liberty as their title suggests. They are grotesque bullies hiding behind the same kind of attire a rapist would use. Their website proclaims in their statement of belief:

The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) carries out direct action against animal abuse in the form of rescuing animals and causing financial loss to animal exploiters, usually through the damage and destruction of property.
The ALF's short-term aim is to save as many animals as possible and directly disrupt the practice of animal abuse. Their long term aim is to end all animal suffering by forcing animal abuse companies out of business.
It is a nonviolent campaign, activists taking all precautions not to harm any animal (human or otherwise).

You will note the use of term “nonviolent” This would lead anyone considering joining their ranks that they are comparatively a peaceful group, besides the clue in the opening paragraph. The destruction of private property is acceptable to these balaclava bedecked cretins.

They generally target the workers of companies that they have a grudge against and the damage caused is to their homes and vehicles. Their aim is to intimidate the employee until they leave their position in the company. This is considered by the halfwits to be “nonviolent” though the innocent people on the receiving end would most likely disagree wholeheartedly. Another favourite technique is the use of anonymous letters mailed to employers or friends accusing the target of being a paedophile. That would be an intolerable thing to be falsely accused of, I am sure you would agree.

The badger cull has drawn these reprobates like a moth to a flame and they have issued a threat to the farmers trying to stop the cycle of bTB. The following has been posted on the Badger killers website

“We have now received enough information on the farmers involved in culling badgers and their locations, we are ready to begin our campaign.
As soon as the cull is over and the good people involved in stopping the cull have left the area and the journalists are no longer interested in the story, we will begin.
Our revenge for the deaths of our native wildlife and the continued abuse of farmed animals will have the same level of mercy the animals have received at the hands of farmers. NONE
Farmers involved in culling should expect anything and everything that has ever taken place in our history of fighting animal abuse.
The only ones that will be spared will be the ones that pull out before the cull ends, they should make their statements to the public or to anti-cull groups”

They accuse the farmers of abusing animals, are these people on drugs? Well probably but anyway. The farmers rely on strong healthy animals to make a living, feed their children and pay their way in the world, not to mention to feed those of us who eat meat and drink milk. I would imagine that the ALF criminals live on yoghurt and muesli so the latter point would be wasted on them anyway. I must point out that I have a vegan friend so it is impossible for me to be veganaphobe or whatever it is called. In fact I fully support the rights of all men when it comes to their choice of diet. I choose to eat free range organic venison that I shoot gralloch (vegans please use Youtube and search for that word) skin and butcher myself.

The threat is there for the whole world to see and has been reported through the proper channels for these terrorists. Historically the authorities have taken a robust approach to the prosecution and subsequent sentencing of these miscreants once convicted. Sentences of up to twelve years in prison have been handed down to the offenders. To the judiciary I say keep up the good work to the ALF I have this warning.

You may have been able to act out your fantasies once upon a time but now we are all watching you closely.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Three counties hunt saboteurs. Lynn Sawyer.

In my previous post I mentioned the rift between the Hertfordshire hunt saboteurs and the Hunt Saboteurs Association. The Herefordshire hunt saboteurs are still however part of a wider network, despite them spitting their dummies over the HSA not giving then the money that they want for new toys. The Herefordshire saboteurs are combined with the Worcestershire and Gloucestershire hunt saboteurs groups. They have a combined Facebook group entitled the “three counties hunt saboteurs”. Note the proper use of the word saboteur not monitor. I can only speculate that these three groups are still friends even though the Worcestershire and Gloucestershire groups are receiving funding from the HSA. When it comes to the saboteur movement morals and ethics are, as ever, on a sliding scale of truly biblical proportions.

The three counties hunt saboteurs Facebook page is administered by Lynn Sawyer who is well aware of the high court injunction. The injunction forbids any saboteur to photograph or harass anyone involved directly with the cull. Not that Lynn is a stranger to injunctions, she has been named in them previously for her actions against law abiding companies.

Lynn however never seems to be prosecuted for any of her activities, it appears that she has a teflon coating while others bear the cross and go to jail. These unfortunates that are drawn in are often in their mid twenties with their whole lives in front of them. Her friends know the truth and so do many others.

In addition to her lamentable activities she spends her spare time being a midwife at the John Radcliffe hospital in Oxford, although because of the badger cull she is currently off work due to illness. The illness is fabricated as she is perfectly well enough to yomp around the countryside.

The hypocrisy of this woman knows no bounds. She campaigns against animal testing at Huntingdon Life Sciences yet when she was in need of drugs tested on animals she decided to place her morals on the back burner. She was quoted as saying.

"We are not against conventional medicine. When I was half killed by a police officer and had a fractured femur and my face cut on a demonstration in 2000, over Huntingdon Life Science, and contracted MRSA, I went into hospital. If I hadn't had conventional medicine I would have died. I came to the informed decision that I would use those things on the grounds that they were already in circulation." 

She was happy to avail herself of the animal tested drugs but would deny future generations the hope of salvation from abominable diseases.

The hypocrite in all of her glory.

Monday 23 September 2013

School bullies.

When I started this blog I fully expected that they would start picking on me like the bullies that they are. The first port of call for the vast majority is of course Facebook as that requires no physical or mental effort to look me up and start with the mindless abuse. I have broad shoulders so that does not really concern me. It is well known that the saboteurs will use violence and vandalism when faced with people who think differently to them. I have no problem with that either. The problems start when they target children, any right minded person should find that intolerable.

You will see below two screen captures from Facebook, these are genuine unaltered images. They were taken from the Stop The Cull and were posted by a young man called Kaleb Phillips. The photograph is of my young granddaughter on her first fox lamping night and as you can see she enjoyed it immensely. She has been raised to understand the country ways and understands that sometimes animals must be killed. The fox she is holding was killing pheasants and paid the price for his actions.

I must say that I did chortle at the comments made by the antis. Once again they show their bigotry in all of its glory. My granddaughter is a thoroughly charming girl with no homicidal tendencies whatsoever, no matter what Kaleb Phillips or Karen Wagstaff have to say about her, or me for that matter.

I would post a picture of Kaleb here but my sources tell me he is only fifteen years of age, Karen on the other hand is fifty and should know better at her age. I have spared her companions from being associated with a woman who can cast aspersions on the character of a twelve year old girl.

Meet Karen.....

Friday 20 September 2013

Saboteurs Unite

I have decided to put up a copy of the high court injunction for the saboteurs so you can read it properly. Perhaps you will digest it individually instead of relying on the excuses "I didn't know" or "Jay told us it was ok" just as you are being arrested and carted off to jail. As you can see from the injunction it is illegal to interfere with the cull in any way shape or form.

Break the conditions of the injunction and you may find yourselves having your assets seized. This is not a game this is real life folks.

It has been noted that Jay Tiernan is in serious breach of the conditions of the injunction. His "badger killer" website is openly inciting saboteurs to do the same. Mr Tiernan is a looney and is looking for good people to follow his example and break the law.

Exhibit (a) One looney

To those thinking of going remember this, especially if you plan to visit the USA in the future. All arrests must be declared to the US government before entering the country. I doesn't matter if you are convicted, the arrest itself is notifiable. This will mean that you will need to apply for a visa at the US consulate in London and attend an interview with a consular official at the embassy. If they refuse your visa the £200 fee is non refundable and the nearest hotel to the embassy is £350 per night. You may well be declared unwelcome permanently in which case you will never be able to travel to the USA again.

Other countries also require arrests to be declared. If you find yourself on the wrong side of the law you only have yourself to blame. Think before you act as it could affect you permanently.